Celebrate the arrival of fall with perfectly spiced pumpkin sandwich cookies I'm conflicted. Don't get me wrong I love Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Panera Pumpkin Shortbread Cookies, but ever since I started heavily baking, I felt like I was cheating if I indulged in one of these treats. I always opted to make my own. What's your opinion? Is it ok to indulge in these treats? Or should you always make your own version? I'm the same with going out to eat/ picking up dinner. (OK - ...
Chocolate Cherry Sandwich Cookies {2 Ways}
Take your pick: chocolate cookies with cherry frosting or cherry cookies with chocolate chip frosting? So, I'm just a teeny bit obsessive when it comes to certain things. Like making sure the doors are closed, oven is off. & like cabinets are closed, lights are off. But where I really go crazy is with matters of baking/ general food prep. For starters, when I make my salads, I always use a scale to measure out exactly 60 grams of spinach (or whatever size salad I'm going to have) ...
{Vegan} Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Bars
A vegan ice cream bar made with frozen bananas It's weird how my season cravings come on. & no - I'm not solely talking about food ;) Just the other week, I suddenly longed for cool fall days, pumpkins on front porches, wearing sweaters and so much more. But normally around Christmas time, I can't wait for things to get back to normal. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas time and all the traditions, but it's the semi-depression that follows that I can't stand. All the pomp and ...
Ultimate Veggie Tacos with Granola Tortillas
A delicious dinner of roasted veggies and granola tortillas I'm not just an emotional baker. No - I'm an emotional cook, emotional student, emotional daughter - the list goes on and on. I'm in charge of most dinners in my household. The menu changes - sometimes easy meals, sometimes harder meals - based on my schedule. For some reason, it's usually the easy meals that make me an emotional wreck. Just this last week, two meals got me all stressed out. & Both were supposed to be ...
Chocolate Granola Pie
A fail-proof pie with a granola crust and chocolate pudding filling I used to think I couldn't make pie. It was one of the leading reasons why I was {am} an emotional baker. I could never roll pie crust out. The finished pie never sliced well. (probably because I was cutting too soon - fresh out of the oven pie is not meant to be cut, although I wish it was!) & it just didn't taste that great. Then, just suddenly, I could make pie. I honestly don't know what happened. Maybe it was ...