Vegan red velvet bars perfect for Valentine's On this Wednesday before Valentine's, I am going to share with you one of the sweetest and most sincere forms of love I have observed. Now this all goes back to last week's post about my favorite place. Remember those kitty cats I mentioned? Well, I used to run through said "magical place" with my dad - now I just walk through there with Winston - since I'm still recovering from this injury. (& it's officially been diagnosed as an ...
Lemon White Chocolate Bars
An irresistible lemon bar studded with white chocolate chips Do you have a special place that you feel is all your own? A place you go to that makes for feel safe? My special place is my local park. I know it might seem crazy, but there are just so many things about it I love. I'm sure you'll be hearing more about it, but here are some of the things - the kitty cats that have made it their home, the birds, the trees, the creek, the people, the caretakers. All of them make up a ...
Cinnamon Pinwheels
A cinnamon flavored slice and roll cookie Is there anyone you see every day, but don't know? They always wave and have a smile on their face? There are several in my community, but one particularly stands out - the school crossing guard. I live just a block from the elementary school and walk my dog past there a couple times a day. He gets to school before the sun comes up and leaves well after the last child has gone home. Every car that goes by or person that walks by is greeted with ...
Creme de Menthe Cookies
A chocolate chip cookie infused with Creme de Menthe flavor The past several days have been gorgeous in NC. These rare warm winter days always bring people out on walks. While I'm ecstatic that they are getting out and enjoying these days, I'm disappointed they miss out on all the other beautiful days on the calendar year. I've yet to meet a weather I didn't like. Yes, my toes might be numb walking in 12 degree weather, but the reward - seeing the bounties of nature - far surpasses ...
Spinach Cranberry Salad
A delicious and healthy salad perfect alone or paired with a smoothie Are you an eBayer? Are you one of the ones raising the price way up on things I don't need, but want anyway? I'm going to use today's post to rant - just for a second though, we'll get to this awesome salad soon ;) When an eBay item starts at $0.99 with no reserve and ends in 7 days, what do you do? Bid right away and jack the price way up? That just doesn't make sense to me. Am I missing something? Anyway - ...